Not Your Average Long Johns

We hear from Best Horse Practices Summit steering committee member, Julie Kenney. Julie lives and rides in Harpswell, Maine. She reviewed LL Bean’s heavyweight baselayer pants for us. Return to our Nicker Reviews main page. Kenney writes: Long Johns That’s what we always called them […]

Nicker Reviews for the Holidays!

Just in time for holiday gift buying season, we’re putting together a fantastic range of reviews from a host of horse and outdoors-y gals. In addition, we have our Annual Gift Buying Guide, with ideas tiny and tremendous. Check it out here. Julie Kenney, Katrin […]

10 Minutes Well Spent

This week, we hear from Julie Kenney, an incoming member of the Best Horse Practices Summit steering committee. She lives and rides in Harpswell, Maine. Read her Focus on Fitness articles here.  By Julie Kenney Recently, I read an Eclectic Horseman article titled “The Ten-Minute […]

Amy Skinner Review

Debbie Hight, a Best Horse Practices Summit board member, longtime Mainer, and frequent NickerNews guest columnist, reports from a recent Amy Skinner horsemanship weekend in Norridgewock, Maine. Photos generously provided by Julie Kenney. By Debbie Hight Amy Skinner has written: If what the horse truly […]

Cowboy Poetry? Parade without Motors? Yes!

Julie Kenney traveled from Harpswell, Maine, to take in the Best Horse Practices Summit and check out southwestern Colorado. She was also a Strater Hotel guest and an awesome Summit volunteer. She filed this report as a first-time visitor to the Durango Cowboy Poetry Gathering: […]

Spoiler Alert: Amy Skinner on pitfalls for horse enablers

The horses we get in training at Bar T Horsemanship undergo considerable changes in their lives while they’re with us.  They leave their normal routine to stay in a strange place with new horses and people.  Not only is their environment different, but their treatment […]

Favorite Reads of 2016

We asked a few contributors for their favorite reads of 2016. Here’s what they picked: Emily Luciano, occasional guest columnist and director of Lucky Dee Communications Less is More Feel Defined Amy Skinner on Self Carriage Amy Skinner on Guiding WiseAssWallace on Gear Amy Skinner, […]

Stay Warm Tips for horse owners

Car rides with the windows down Tall, ice-filled drinks Ocean swims with your horse The pleasures of summer seem far, far away. At my place, pasture walks are slow, laborious efforts of postholing, walking in snow that goes to my thighs and fills my boots. […]

Saddlebag Gotta-Haves

No doubt moving makes you appreciate what’s left behind. Sure, I love Utah. But where’s my Slipstream granola and Eco Lips lip balm? Two great products for day packs and saddlebags. I stumbled across both Iowa products while cruising farmer’s markets and reading local papers […]

Win Redmond’s Daily Red

For a chance to win: “Like” Us on Facebook. Already follow NickerNews?  “Share” this post with facebook friends for a chance to win. My horses like salt. Redmond Rock sells mined Utah salt. It’s sea salt left by oceans long ago. So it’s natural and […]