Horse Haiku

Last week, this radio program had a summer haiku contest and the entries make for fun reading.

Haiku are a simple form of poetry dating back to at least the 17th century in Japan (and, yes, the plural of haiku is haiku):

Three lines of poetry: five syllables, then seven syllables, followed by five syllables again.

Enjoy these particularly horse-y haiku here. Send us yours.


From Maddy:

Elijah says this:

“So be less like a human

And more like a horse”


They eat last year’s flakes

And watch as the new comes in

Bad taste in their mouths

BHPS director Maddy Butcher

Settin’ for a spell

Then I realized

they were all lookin’ at me.


Turkeys, porcupines

Woodchucks, deer, and coyotes

Move through the pasture


Me: I shit you not.

Beau: All those bales by yourself?

Me: Yes. I missed you.


From Nancy:

Healing place indeed
Gentle nuzzle, velvet nose
Blessed to be as one


Nothing quite like it
two souls merge on wooded trails
peace and rest sublime


Thanks for everything
if only more could know this
better place for all


From Flow:

Gentle breeze in trees
Mane flowing as ocean tide
Rising falling wave


Wind snow dances ’round

Ear perk nostril flare tail rise

That scent; here comes hay


From Jelle:

Whiskers touch my skin
A gentle breath warms my face
Here I stand in bliss


From Ruth:

Fun ride on the trails

Broke a branch to flick off flies

Spook bolt crash break hip


From Sam:

The familiar smells:

Horse, leather, hay, grain.

Everyday is barn day.


From Jelle:

Heads high in the wind
Galloping across the plains
Two bodies are one


From Meris:

Kiss me velvet lips

Breathe in your warm breath out

Love lives in my barn


From Tammy:

Softly she nickers

At my bedroom window pane

Breakfast time again

From Melanie:

We are their keepers

Horses are spiritual

Keep them free from pain


From Jessie:

Big gentle giant

We fly through the waves and sand

Two souls become one


From Ella:

Ears up eyes are bright

Galloping into the day

One sugar lump please

From Riley:

Tail and Mane Like Silk

Flowing Like The Ocean’s Waves

The Horse is Magic


Send us yours

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