A note from the Editor:
Here at Cayuse Communications, we’ve been thinking about our community of horse owners and riders. How best to come together and share during this time? We’ve reached out to friends to see how they are making lemonade from lemons and coping with the strains of the pandemic. Read more here.
The pandemic isn’t going away. Neither are our giveaways.
The Cayuse Corona Community is a recurring feature. We want to hear from you. Leave your comments below and we’ll put you in the running for a host of giveaways from Redmond Equine, Ranger Ready, Kershaw Knives, Kate’s Real Food, and Pharm Aloe Equine.
Here are images and reports from the many readers who responded recently in the comments section. Leave a comment and be entered to win giveaways!

Kathy and her horse practice ground-tying
In the past recent weeks, Kathy Z., Rachael, Kathy C, and Kerry were all randomly selected to win Cayuse Corona Community prizes.
Here’s news:
Kathy in Illinois:
My sanity has been saved by still being able to visit the barn and ride. Lessons were cancelled, but boarders could sign up to come take care of their horses and ride in the indoor or outdoor arenas. Got pretty spoiled riding with little to no other traffic in the arena!
I was able to work on my confidence level, more groundwork, and a better relationship with my horse. We’re back to lessons now, but lesson horses must be groomed and tacked by staff. I just entered my first virtual show and hope to go to a live show next month for the first time!
Photos show Kathy’s and her horse learning to ground tie and enjoying a spacious, quiet indoor arena.
Kathy in Florida:
Thankfully our lives aren’t so different since we are semi-retired and have the horses at our home. I trailer out to some Western Dressage lessons or rides with friends since we can safely keep our distance in the outdoors.
When the local trails & Florida Horse Park were all closed we were sooooo thankful for the two-mile trail around our little neighborhood of 17 horse properties, shaded and wide enough to practice lateral moves & circles in some areas. I even take one of my horses out there for some liberty time.
We also took up many projects such as repairing fences, painting & landscaping. We feel very fortunate to not be housebound as so many people are at this time!

Watching polo at the Florida Horse Park
My images: Enjoying time at the Florida Horse Park, watching polo after a nice Western Dressage practice ride there. And also one introducing a bike to the “kids” close-up. I have a cute liberty video but I don’t think you do those. I love your newsletter and your ways, & frequently pass it on to my friends to subscribe.
Thanks for sharing, riders!
Don’t forget to share below with your comments.

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