Riders in the Four Corners area take note!
Ginny Chase Elder and Lynda Berger will host a course on the “Holy Grail of Horsemanship: Feel and the Classical Seat on June 29 in Dolores. Class limited to six students. Rider’s fee is $150. For details and registration information contact: [email protected]
Sign up now. The event is limited to six and there will be no auditors.
This is not your everyday riding lesson. The classical seat is a balanced independent seat that is a foundation of all riding, regardless of discipline or type of horse. This class will be about tapping into awareness and feel, then using that feel to create a foundation with the classical seat that elevates the partnership between horse and rider.”
Says Chase Elder: “We’ll cover the ABC’s of developing an independent classical seat that allows a rider to ride with confidence, security and feel and we’ll learn about energy and using that awareness. Lynda will work individually with

Ginny Chase Elder
each student on developing their awareness of energy, presence, intention, conscious breathing, and relaxation techniques to help each student find a state of calm, deep relaxation, decreasing anxiety and increasing awareness.
I will work with each student immediately after their awareness session with Lynda to coach each rider in the principles of the classical seat using specific movements and give tips, suggestions, exercises.”
Chase Elder writes more about the classical seat:
Why is it referred to as a “classical” seat? The definition of classical in this case means it is “regarded as representing an exemplary standard; traditional and long-established in form or style.” And why is it long-standing? Because it works. No matter what your discipline or type of horse, a good seat which we’ll call the classical seat is necessary to become a talented and accomplished rider.
The classical seat is a balanced independent seat that is the end goal of all riding. English, western, reining, jumping or whatever, it starts there. It is an equal opportunity ability that supports all riding styles, saddles and sports because it follows the principles of nature in both biomechanics and physics. No, we’re not trying to get you out of your jeans and into “tight pants” or visa versa, but to tap into the innate tendencies of a horse to seek and stay in balance, by learning about the classical seat and using it.
Class limited to six students. Rider’s fee is $150. For details and registration information contact: [email protected]