I would love to have a helmet because I love to ride horses. I would also love to have a helmet to protect my head if I ever fell off or got slung off. My name is Paityn Roberts and I am 11 years old. I need the helmet more now because I am learning to canter and it makes me feel safer. This way my grandma won’t worry so much if I take off and ride.
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One vote for Paityn!
I hope Paityn gets a helmet!!
Vote for paityn!
Paityn has my vote!!! She loves to ride horses. With school being out for the summer she will be riding a lot more. The helmet provides the protection against head trauma. As we all know, horses can be trained very well but they can still be unpredictable at times. As Paityn becomes a more experienced rider and is now learning to canter, the helmet will help her feel more comfortable and safe as she furthers her training. I am her Nana and it would also comfort me to know she has this helmet to protect her from head trauma. Thanks.
She is too cute to not get one. I’m glad she wants to wear one unlike most kids
I think she should get one for trying.
I vote for paityn!!
I vote for Paityn!!!
Paityn is a sweet sweet girl who deserves to get a helmet to enjoy doing what she loves.
Voting for Paityn!
Paityn is becoming such a confident little rider– it would be great for her to have her own stylish helmet!
One vote for Paityn!
Sorry- just meant to vote once but it didn’t look like it went through the first time!
Everyone needs to wear a helmet that fits properly. If you don’t win the contest, hopefully you can earn enough money to go purchase one that fits you well. Good luck!
Go Paityn, go!