Talented and upbeat only begins to describe Mary Miller Jordan

Talking with Mary Miller Jordan, you can’t help getting inspired. A premier competitor at next month’s American Horsewoman’s Challenge, she perfectly oozes energy and positivity. I reached her at her Kelly, North Carolina farm, where she was juggling horse work, chores, and minding her four-year […]

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Ol’ Timers weigh in on mules

The other day, I was chatting with friend, Elijah Moore, about my progress with Jolene, the new mule. He’s spent more time with horses than mules, but still had some amusing, insightful words: “Mules are unique because they think. Mules are to horses as goats […]

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July Storm: poet gives us telling image

July Storm   Like a tall woman walking across the hayfield the rain came slowly, dressed in crystal and the sun. Rustling along the ground, she stopped at our apple tree only for a whispering minute, then swept darkening skirts over the lake, and so […]

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Introducing The Clothes Horse

It’s not common knowledge, but aside from being an accomplished neuropsychologist and horse book author, Dr. Steve Peters is a heckuva clothes horse. He’s mighty particular about his riding outfits. Everything has to be Just So. In the morning, he doesn’t so much as get […]

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Tasty ingredients, Better Colt Starting Recipe

The Road to the Horse has become one of the most popular horse training events in the world. It offers spectators flashy performances along with shopping experiences in the horse-rich community of Lexington, Kentucky. But what does it offer the horse? More and more horsemen […]

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First Trail Ride, Part II

The first trail ride with the mule proceeded after she gave me a few bucks and raced towards trees and our fence. (Thank you, trees and fence for stopping us.) Read Part I. Steve and Comet were crucial riding partners. They rode ahead and blocked […]

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First Trail Ride, Part One

It is too early to start talking Resolutions? Along with a new exercise resolve, I’ve picked up a horsemanship resolution. This time, it came from the strangest place. Michael Pollan was talking about his new book, “Cooked: A Natural History of Transformation.” He mentioned a […]

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When a skeletal horse is a good thing

We’ve just got to give Big Props to Sandy Cramer and her registered paint, Raven. The two in fantastic costume have been a fixture at the local farmer’s market and flea market in Hocking County, Ohio. Sandy studied equine science for a few years but […]

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Fringe Leggings, Tested and Approved

They came in a plain white cardboard box marked with international postage. The mail lady had left it unceremoniously on the floor of the garage. But it was a Special Delivery nonetheless, containing my first pair of custom-made leggings. Six weeks prior, I had taken […]

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Horsemen and women are today’s heros

          Hooray for the backcountry horsemen and women – Mary Young, Mike Young, Mark John, and Christa John – the four Idahoans who tipped off police to the whereabouts of kidnapper Joseph DiMaggio and his victim, Hannah Anderson. According to a […]

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