
Save Your Ass Update

Editor’s Note: Ann Firestone is the feisty, generous, positive President of Save Your Ass Long Ear Rescue in Acworth, New Hampshire. We’re happy to support SYA and think you should, too! Check out their merch here. We’re also happy to share this latest bit from […]

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Don’t Speak Too Soon

Editor’s Note: Craig Freshley is a  professional meeting facilitator, speaker, trainer, and author based in Brunswick, Maine. He runs Good Group Decisions, writes weekly blog posts, and sends out a weekly newsletter. Craig Freshley writes: Don’t speak too soon, for the wheel’s still in spin […]

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A Joy Ride in Ireland and Beyond

Editor’s Note: Trish Lemke is the founder of Joy Rides. She leads horse riding excursions around the world and is a certified Martha Beck life coach. Lemke lives in Durango, Colorado, with her family and horses. Check out her 2022 trips below. ALSO, and speaking […]

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Goodbye, Old Friend

Along with the many blessings of horse ownership comes the responsibility of deciding to end a horse’s life. The weight and the lightness come cobbled together. Sometimes, of course, the ending is chosen for us, by an injury or illness. Often enough, though, us horse […]

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Outside Circle Show

In our travels, we get a sense of what makes for a great event. It’s the people, the focus, the details, and the feel. Feel, as many a horseman knows, is the elusive element that can make or break moments, most particularly for those paying […]

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Back on Track in Five Steps

Editor’s Note: Amy Skinner is a regular guest columnist and has been a horse gal since age six. She has presented twice at the Best Horse Practices Summit and is the author of To Catch a Horse: Finding the Heart of your Horsemanship. She rides […]

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The End

Editor’s Note: Cathi Champion is a Best Horse Practices Summit steering committee member and a horse gal living near Seattle, Washington. She recently shared this post on her blog, which we think is just about the best essay ever on loss and grief and the […]

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The Unbranded Interviews: 3

Editor’s Note: Unbranded is the documentary film about the epic, 3,000-mile journey of four Texas A & M University grads and their cavvy of extraordinary mustangs. It has won numerous film festival awards. Watch trailer here. Cayuse Communications was the only media outlet interviewing the […]

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The Unbranded Interviews: 2

Editor’s Note: Unbranded is the documentary film about the epic, 3,000-mile journey of four Texas A & M University grads and their cavvy of extraordinary mustangs. It has won numerous film festival awards. Watch trailer here. Did you know? Cayuse Communications was the only media […]

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A Mood, a Hat, and Gratitude

Editor’s Note: Ideally, as publisher of a weekly newsletter and a family of websites, I’d be an extrovert and a lover laptop time. Truth be told, though, my relationship with the Internet is a tad sad. I’m mostly disengaged with platforms like Facebook because, at […]

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